25th Annual

Living Truth Reformed Bible Conference

To promote the understanding of the historic Reformed faith

25th Annual
Reformed Bible Conference

March 21-22, 2025



Theme: God, Grace, and One Another: Theology for Relationships “in Christ”

Session 1
The Circle of Grace “in Christ”
Fri 7:30 pm

Session 2
The Exchange of Grace “in Christ”
Sat 9:30 am

Speaker: Dr. David E.

Associate Professor of New Testament

David BrionesDr. Briones was born and raised in California. After becoming a Christian at 18, he earned a BA in Biblical Studies from Life Pacific University and an MDiv from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. He then became convinced of covenant theology at a pub in England and subsequently earned an MA in Theology and Religion and a PhD in New Testament from Durham University.

Dr. Briones has taught Greek, New Testament, Biblical Backgrounds, and Biblical Theology at several institutions, but he most recently served at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (2019–23) as an Associate Professor of New Testament and before that at Reformation Bible College (2014–19). He has authored Paul’s Financial Policy: A Socio-Theological Approach and co-edited Paul and Seneca in Dialogue  and Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: Reading the Apostle in Greco-Roman Context. He has also written several essays in edited volumes, such as the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, and published articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as New Testament Studies, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, and Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He is currently finishing a commentary on Philemon and has other book projects in progress: a commentary on Philippians, another on 2 Corinthians, and a co-written book on the Apocrypha.  All these things are counted as gifts of grace that he hopes will bless the church.

As a churchman, Dr. Briones serves as an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, preaching and teaching whenever possible. He and his wife, Mindy, have four children.


Providence Free Reformed Church in St. George
269 St George Rd, Saint George, ON N0E 1N0